ZUZANNA MUSIAL lyrics : "The Smile of Earth"
We shall be thankful for all she gives to us.
Water to drink, Air to breath, Nature to admire,
Space to live, our homes we build from the material
Those coming from the goods and minerals
That Mother Earth produces.
At times she gets annoyed and perhaps angry
then she sends signals...Unpredicted Earthquakes,
Perhaps Volcano eruption or Stormy Ocean waves,
to wash the surface to clear the mess that people make.
Other-ways she is good to humanity, animals and all.
Thank you Mother Earth for the love and care
Thank you for the goods you share.
There is so much beauty in all surroundings.
The Earth is a magnificent place to live and enjoy.
Tribute that you composed is wonderful and touching.
It touched my heart and soul in a very special way.
Thank you for caring for the Planet Earth.
Sending love and warm thoughts to you,
May the creativity expand in all that you do
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