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(Daemon) There will be bloodshed. Destroy the believers.

(Judecca) All of them will face their last breath. From the dust that came and so they shall return. They shall fear the wrath of Daemon embodied within our wretched, tortured souls.

They must bow to you or face the gallows. Their homes will longer stand if they don't stand in your name. Despoil their possessions; it is the price of their treason.

(Abidel) The Afrokrema are at our doors. We have no chance of fighting such power, It is certain death. The reaper looms over us.

(Mordecai) Dispel your fear, when did you become such a coward. We have authority over the serpents that taint our world, and our lives. We will bring back peace, and send the priests of Babylon to their demise.

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