A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


Alone in the dark, she remembers the past
Alone in the dark it happened so fast
Why should it always be the inescapable end

That would carry away her hope far from here?

Alone in the dark, she can see the future

Alone in the dark she is never even sure
How come will she be a victim of the truth,
of her power, of the Infinite?

Never awaking from this endless dream
She tries to keep dearly / to cherish her memories.

Her eyes have been blurred so many times.
Innocence has been gone / She has seen so many lies!

Daughter of a sacred lineage, she carries with her
the weight of the winding journey!
Mother of lost souls, she inherits from the skies

The power to see, the power to reveal. Refrain:

On the slopes of Mount Parnassus

She gives us an insight of the most hidden secrets.
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus
She is betrothed to a God,

Human nature she rejects!
Worshipped by so many!
Only a few are given an answer.

Priestess of both past and future ,
She sits behind the Holy Shrine in Delphi.

On an unfortunate cold day in winter
An uncontrollable seizure overwhelmed her body.
She grabbed a broken dagger left to rust on the battle field

And she was $$#aulted by visions
that should have remained unseen. Refrain Solos refrain

She had no choice but carrying out her duty
She is Appolo's wife! She must feel no pity.

She was quick/ she was strong.
She hit the inside ennemy but received a stroke
not deemed worthy of caring.

Never awaking from this endless dream
She tried to reach her temple

To achieve her destiny.
She fell on the ground and bled away her life.
She joined her husband in Olympus she lies!

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