A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


Started from a cell, and now we 'ere!

Started from a cell, and now we got 2 cells here!

Verse 1

Interphase is the first stage,
Taking in nutrients, duplicating DNA

Interphase is broken into 3
G1, synthesis, G2 erry'day

G1 is the first phase,
rapid growth for the cell, and producing organelles

Synthesis is the 2nd phase
Duplicating copies of the cell's DNA

G2 is the shortest phase
Growth and preparation for division phase


Now we gettin' in to mitosis,

Pro-, meta-, ana-, telophase all involved wit' it

It all starts with prophase

Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes.

The nuclear envelope starts to dip

And then the mitotic spindle and the centrioles come in

Now we inna metaphase,

The mitotic spindle formed and attaches to the centromeres
Chromosomes start to move towards the middle and line up on the line called the equatorial plate


Anaphase, anaphase we don't feel that.

Sister chromatids are starting to split up
We got each one moving opposite ways
Spindle fibers now pulling a chromatid

Anaphase, anaphase we don't feel that
Sister chromatids are starting to split up
We don't like to do much explaning

Now it's time to move on to telophase


Chromosomes turn back to chromatin
Mitotic spindle begins to break away,

Two nuclei come into play,
And now we're ready to divide away.

But please don't forget cytokinesis
Happens the same time as telophase
Our cell now splitts in two,

Say hello to me and you!

But 'memeber in plant, it differs

Because our wall is rigid, we create a cell plate
The cell cycle is now through,
I hope you understand so you can sing too.

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