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STRAYLIGHT RUN lyrics : "Who Will Save Us Now"

Some of us are born
And then some of us are born again
Some of us are scared to death

And some just don't believe in it
Something's always wrong
There's a line

An idea i cant get behind
No one knows whats right
Some try

Some just try to find a king
They say
Who will save us now

It's our life
But we dont want to live it
We want to be told how

By something or someone
Who's better than us
Who we know we can trust

Who will always protect us
Keep us scared to death
So we never ask questions

We'll dictate the consequences of our actions
And give us peace of mind about our miserable lives
Find it content all we want is a place we can hide

We can hide
Someone always fought
You can rest $$#ured

It's the young and the poor who fought all out wars
Led to death by men who they chose
And hoped would protect them

Who will save us now
It's our life but we don't want to live it
And all you'll get is down

Cause the people you elect to protect your best interests will just
Protect themselves

So we're left
Reality is relative

And that's all the advice i'll give
Life and death are hard
They're such strange and complicated issues

So listen listen well
For insight
And no one knows what's right for you

Who will save us now
It's a wrong
And irrelevant question

We figure it out
With the people who love us
Who call us our brothers

Through lessons we've learned
From our fathers and mothers
Now looking for someone to find our solutions

To battle our battles
Living and learning till we know what's right for our lives our lives

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