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Sherrie Austin lyrics : "Streets Of Heaven"

Hello God it's me again 2 am room 304
visiting hours are over time for our bedside tug-o-war
this sleeping child between us might not may it through

the night
I'm fighting back the tears as she fights for her life

Well it must be kind of crowded on the streets of
Heaven so tell me what do you need her for
Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl

but right now I need her so much more
She's much to young to be on her own

barley just turned seven
So who will hold her hand when she crosses the streets
of Heaven

Tell me God do you remember the wishes that she made
As she blew out the candles on her last birthday cake

she wants to ride a pony when she's big enough
She wants to marry her daddy when she's all grown up

Well it must be kind of crowded on the streets of
Heaven so tell me what do you need her for
Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl

but right now I need her so much more
She's much to young to be on her own

barley just turned seven
So who will hold her hand when she crosses the streets
of Heaven

Lord don't you know
she's my angel you've got plenty of your own

And i know you hold a place for her but she already got
a home
well I don't know if your listening

but prayin's all that's left to do
So I asked you Lord have mercy
You've lost a son once too

And it must be kind of crowded on the streets of Heaven
so tell me what do you need her for

Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl
but right now I need her so much more

Lord I know that once you've made up your mind there's
no use in beggin'
So if you take her with you today will you make sure

she looks both ways

And would you hold her hand when she crosses the

streets of Heaven
The streets of Heaven

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