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MYSTIC DADDY lyrics : "The World Is My Garden"

I pledge allegiance to the Earth,
Our one and only home...
I promise to steward and honor the land,

Wherever I may roam...
Nurturing life in all its forms,
I commit to take a stand...

To fight for the countless species and beings,
With no voices to resist Man...

The World... The World...

The World it is My Garden...
Full of Grace and Beauty...
Singular creation...

Protecting Her is our duty

Co-creating Magic...

With the plants and nature beings...
Bridging the dimensions...
Experiencing is believing

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden... World is My Garden

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden...

Heaven on Earth,
We're quickly destroying...
Infinite variety...

Gone in an instant

The Earth it is relying,

On us to take care...
We are Her only children...
There's no on else here

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden... World is My Garden

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden...

Building healing grids of light...
To help support the planet...
Grounded in Love and Joy...

Transforming resistance

Honoring the Web of Life...

It's jewel-like perfection...
Focus on the here and 'now'...
Got to change your direction

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden... World is My Garden

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden...

I pledge allegiance to the Earth,
Our one and only home...
I promise to steward and honor the land,

Wherever I may roam...
Nurturing life in all its forms,
I commit to take a stand...

To fight for the countless species and beings,
With no voices to resist Man...

The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden... World is My Garden
The World is My Garden... World is My Garden

The World is My Garden...

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