A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


It's alright,it's alright
I am the one playing fool for you
The insignificant

Pierrot of a small circus
Perfectly round just like the moon
I keep balance on top of that ball

and fell in extravagant fashion
It's my job to be laughed at
I noticed you;crying in the audience

Don't look so sad
Those tears your mom and dad aren't aware of
I noticed them

I had to wipe them away
[It's alright,it's alright
I feel no pain or discomfort

If you laugh for me]
It's alright,it's alright
I'm the one falling clumsily

Balancing on a ball,the Pierrot of a small circus
You kept crying and said
[Your lies are sad]

[I haven't said even a single lie]
At those words,you burst out crying again
[You don't show it to the audience,

what's under that mask
Show me the true face
that you were hiding

When hurt;be in pain
When it's hard;scream
There's nothing to be shameful about it

It's alright,it's alright
It doesn't matter if you can't
laugh properly

So that you'll never lie again
It's alright,it's alright
it doesn't matter if you can't bear it

I'll cry along with you]
It's alright,it's alright
You found it for me

My own face,
that I was about to forget
[It's alright,it's alright]

It was just like magic
Look,the lying Pierrot
has now vanished

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