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From primordial ooze the mystery beget, from the beginning I loved the
wiggle of your DNA strand, and she; now more than the thought the
actual thought process, and this thought process longs to proceed to

action in your arms, and this desire that predates memory and will outlive
its own greed, has the nobility to heal the sick and the barbarity to sicken
the healthy, the very span of the heavens seems no more vast than a

glance of your eyes, and to drink in slowly that ambrosia of your face
makes heaven seem a lesser prize, and when your body just gets in the
way when I wish to fondle your mind, I kiss even softer your body and at

once I am found in that land, in this casual miracle of world stars and
kisses, her lips answer quest and question and so wonder is its own kiss,
she is that daughterless dream that makes beauty desire to be born, and

that chemical in things that gives the earth its color, that's just how love

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