A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


No one. no one! no one can make me feel the way i feel 4 u.love. only u. no one can compare u or replace u. u are only. special. unique. no one can get between us. anybody who tries to seperate us wont have success. wel stay 2geder 4ever no mater wat or who gets in the way. no one in the world is just like u. u ar smart beautiful and just 4 me. no one besides u, wil make me feel love. no one cares about me more than u.we care about each oder 4 everywer we go and every action we do. no one maters to me more dan u. ur da m.i.p. most important person. no one cant resist but to believe that we love each oder. no one can stop us from doing wat we want to do...only god. he is the one who is going to help me stay wid u. hes gona help me wid u. i asked. he'l reply.

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