A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #



I'm not a good dancer

And there's a chance Ima ask ya
Can see that I've used my camera, to record this parody for ya?
So subscribe quickly to my channel, maybe comment, like if you want to

Then I could know someone was watching and that I wasn't just on my onesome
Coz my goodness that would be awkward
Do you guys like to watch torchwood?

Got a big smile like Mister John Barrowman?
I'm more of like a D-D-D-Doctor who fan
I care lots about education, I can do addition and like subtraction

I guess countdown is competing? X10

I could do 2+2 and I know my 12 times table too

Coz I'm a smarty pants in like every subject not even blowing my own trumpet
I could do 2+2 and I know my 12 times table too
Coz I'm a smarty pants in like every subject not even blowing my own trumpet

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