He cannot move, his voice is weak...
Me My dear friend can you hear me now?
I'll try to tell you how I feel
Best Friend I feel the pain inside of you
Tell me please, what can I do?
[Me Listen well to what I have to say
I have to tell you...of my betrayal
Me I revealed the facts, it was clear
It spelled the end of your career
Best Friend Yes, I always felt that it was you
I repressed the thought although I knew the truth
Me The truth is out, I feel relieved
You hate me now, you've been deceived?
Best Friend Oh no, in a way we are even now
Come back to us...somehow
Wife and Love Cross that bridge to the other side
Follow your heart, you can't go wrong
Come with me, I will be your guide
And lead you back where you belong
Agony Welcome to reality, be ready for the pain
Welcome to reality, will it be in vain
Welcome to reality,
Nothing much has changed since you were gone
Passion Rise up and show the world you can be a better man
Rise up and show the world you care, yes you can
Rise up and show the world you're taking your chance
Rise up and show the world!
Agony Welcome back!
Reason Welcome to reality, wake up and rejoice
Welcome to reality, you've made the right choice
Welcome to reality, and let them hear your voice, shout it out!
Pride Rise up and show the world your battle is won
Rise up and show the world the old you is gone
Rise up and show the world your new life has begun
Rise up and show the world!
[Reason and Agony] Welcome back!
Fear Here inside the question burns
Are you sure of your return?
Me I am sure I deserve this chance
Now I understand it all
Fear It all seems so unreal to you
Can you decide what to do?
Me Yes I can, oh I will survive
Look at me...I'm alive
Wife and Love Cross that bridge to the other side
Follow your heart, you can't go wrong
Come with me, I will be your guide
And lead you back where you belong
Best Friend There is so much to see, there is so much to live for
Wife Come with me, my love
Reason You feel her warmth, glowing on your skin
Love You're never alone, I knew we could make it
Fear Aaaaaaaaarrrrgh!
Passion Can't you feel that fire, can't you feel it burn?
Agon] Be ready for the pain, ready for the pain!
Pride Well rise up, your battle has been won, your new life has begun
Me I'm alive, I won't look back, aaaaah!
The Human Equation program aborted.
Have a nice day.
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