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ATB lyrics : "Collides With Beauty"

ATB polyphonic ringtones
ATB sheet music
Concert tickets

And I know
You know
It should be me

That's holding you
And I know that pride
Collides with beauty

And I know
You know

It should be me
That's touching you
And I know that pride

Collides with beauty

I'm upside down

And inside out
The room's not big enough
I'm waiting for your love

Been waiting for your love

Gone round and round

Half falling down
The floor's not flat enough
I'm waiting for your love

Been waiting for your love


And I know
You know
It should be me

That's holding you
And I know that pride
Collides with beauty

And I know
You know

It should be me
That's touching you
And I know that pride

Collides with beauty

And I know

You know
It should be me
That's holding you

And I know that pride
Collides with beauty

And I know
You know
It should be me

That's loving you
And I know that pride
Collides with beauty

It's too much
It's not enough

The walls can't hold me up
I'm waiting for your love
Been waiting for your love

I'm back and forth
And forth and back

The window's fogging up
I'm waiting for your love
Been waiting for your love

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