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ANI DIFRANCO lyrics : "Grand Canyon"

I love my country
By which I mean
I am indebted joyfully

To all the people throughout its history
Who have fought the government to make right
Where so many cunning sons and daughters

Our foremothers and forefathers
Came singing through slaughter
Came through hell and high water

So that we could stand here
And behold breathlessly the sight
How a raging river of tears

Cut a grand canyon of light

Yes, I've bin so many places

Flown through vast empty spaces
With stewardesses whose hands
Look much older than their faces

I've tossed so many napkins
Into that big hole in the sky
Bin at the bottom of the Atlantic

Seething in a two-ply
Looking up through all that water
And the fishes swimming by

And I don't always feel lucky
But I'm smart enough to try
Cuz humility has buoyancy

And above us only sky
So I lean in
Breathe deeper that brutal burning smell

That surrounds the smoldering wreckage
That I've come to love so well
Yes, color me stunned and dazzled

By all the red white and blue flashing lights
In the American intersection
Where black crashed head on with white

Comes a melody
Comes a rhythm
A particular resonance

That is us and only us
Comes a screaming ambulance
A hand that you can trust

Laid steady on your chest
Working for the better good
(Which is good at its best)

And too, bearing witness
Like a woman bears a child...
With all her might

Born of the greatest pain
Into a grand canyon of light

I mean, no song has gone unsung here
And this joint is strung crazy tight

And people bin raising up their voices
Since it just ain't bin right
With all the righteous rage

And all the bitter spite
That will accompany us out
Of this long night

That will grab us by the hand
When we are ready to take flight
Seatback and traytable

In the upright and locked position
Shocked to tears by each new vision
Of all that my ancestors have done

Like, say, the women who gave their lives
So that I could have one

People, we are standing at ground zero
Of the feminist revolution

Yeah, it was an inside job
Stoic and sly
One we're supposed to forget

And downplay and deny
But I think the time is nothing
If not nigh
To let the truth out
Coolest f-word ever deserves a $#&@ing shout!

I mean
Why can't all decent men and women
Call themselves feminists?
Out of respect
For those who fought for this

I mean, look around
We have this

I love my country

By which I mean
I am indebted joyfully
To all the people throughout its history
Who have fought the government to make right
Where so many cunning sons and daughters

Our foremothers and forefathers
Came singing through slaughter
Came through hell and high water
So that we could stand here
And behold breathlessly the sight
How a raging river of tears

Is cutting a grand canyon of light

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