A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


This is the story of a country girl
Back in town from her country house
She came to me with her muddy boots

She destroyed all my carpet
You know how to do it
Wonder milky (*##$

You never wear cosmetic
You don't like arithmetic
You know how to do it

Wonder milky (*##$
Tasting,touching,swallowing me
Drinking me like bloody mary

You know how to do it
Wonder milky (*##$
You don't wear cosmetic

You don't like arithmetic
You know how to do it
Wonder milky (*##$

Tasting,touching,swallowing me
Drinking me like bloody mary
Wonder milky (*##$

Wonder milky (*##$
Wonder milky (*##$
Wonder milky (*##$

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