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With 60 you still have some dreams
Though you no longer climb on big trees
But still you enjoying your life

With 60 your hope is not gone
You still can have so much fun

And so, here's to you my old fellow

But over the years you have gained lots experience

You know that too much of something's no good
Today everything's better, very much better
And you feel that life has been good

Folks at your age they do not ask what they can do or not
Because it's time to look at things with a different point of view

Now you've reached the point to look more after number one.
There'll be no one, who won't forgive you this with a little smile

You are matured like fine wine but you still feel young
Let all fours just to be, cause nothing's gonna knock you down
You know what's of importance, and you know how the wind blows

That's why you won't do nothing that you may regret later times.

With 60...

You take a look back and think to yourself: so many awesome years
were given to me as a gift, that's the only fact that counts

You're being loved and you still love, that is life's real deal
This bear in mind, when from time to time, you feel little aches and pains

So don't let no grass grow under your feet, enjoy just every day
Say to yourself, things could be worse, make an agreement with yourself
Just say "Up Yours" to all the trouble and make yourself at home

Cause after all, that's what you well deserve, just give your body a treat

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