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1000 FUNERALS lyrics : "Igneous Lips"

I drank alone the poison of love with endless sacrifice
how was sweet as she never knows is my paramour
I burnt in my dead love's flames

but I do the envy to the heat of her lips
I've sit in the depths of ashes, here is cold
until take the heat of body at the time of kiss

and may I'll burn in her love forever
burning cold, with the wish of igneous lips
I drank alone the poison of she

how was sweet as she never knows
I burnt in my dead love's flames
but I do the envy to her lips

I have sit in the depths of ashes
until take the heat of body for kiss
and I will burn in her love

cold, with the wish of igneous lips
(she never knows is my paramour
she never knows is my love)

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