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100 WAYS FORWARD lyrics : "Read This (Everyone)"

I have a sick mind
And usually I would put
Something completely

Random here
As I did on the other
Song by "What Made

Miliwauke Famous" (check
it out, i think its good
lyrics writing seeing

as how its on the

But other than
That, im just writing
This becuase I know

You're probably smiling right
Now. From person
To person it may vary

Why you are smiling,
But for
The most part its because

You are amazed that
Someone that
You have never met before

Is just
Writing in such a
Personal way on some

Website in some crappy
Artists lyrics.

By the way, Ive never heard
Of this
Band, or the Miliwauke

One either. But i doubt this
Will even make it past
The verifiers of this site.


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