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MEGALOH Endlich Unendlich lyrics

The 32-year-old rapper from Berlin has long been considered the best newcomer in the German hip hop. In the past, he was awarded with his albums, mixtapes and collaborations are only good reviews - the great success did not materialize. That is about to change.

Uchenna van Capelleveen so Megaloh (homepage) bourgeois, signed in 2012 "Nesola" (the label of Max Herre - editor's note) and brought in on 8th March his first major solo album out.

"Endlich Unendlich" is the work and thus Megaloh presents a mix of hip-hop-heavy reggae beats and strong, expressive texts. He packed the important issues in strong lyrics. Thus it provides a good mood with a lot of content. Musically, he distances himself from the typical "hip hop sound" - he creates charming, warm sound with catchy melodies. He sings, raps and its characteristic - the soft, pleasant "pop voice" - he skillfully coupled with strong drums.