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Eternal Tears Of Sorrow Saivon Lapsi lyrics

After four years Eternal Tears of Sorrow have finally released their seventh album Saivon Lapsi. Saivon Lapsi (translated as Child of Saivo, Saivo being the underworld of the indigenous Sami people from northern Finland) is a massively epic album, combining their brand of melodic death metal but with a much more focus on symphonic elements as been the trend since their last couple of releases. Hailing from the northern region of Finland, their lyrics mostly deal with stories of their region and Lapland, the most northern region in Finland. With Saivon Lapsi they have continued to perfect their sound and have produced what may be their most melodic album yet.
aivon Lapsi is a fantastic album and a good continuation of they have been doing since their Before the Bleeding Sun album mixing melodic death metal with very symphonic elements to give that epic feel. Songs like Dark Alliance, Beneath the Frozen Leaves, and the epic closer track (and the third installment in the trilogy) Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act III: Saivon Lapsi) shows the intense kind of music that Eternal Tears of Sorrow is trying to convey to the listener. Amidst all the releases coming out in 2013, this is an album that is sure to be a hit with many fans. (By Elsthon).